Having lunch at this burger joint that lets you customize your burger directly on their menu. I ordered a medium rare burger with pickles, bacon, blue cheese, lettuce and tomato. Will let you know how it tastes!
Having lunch at this burger joint that lets you customize your burger directly on their menu. I ordered a medium rare burger with pickles, bacon, blue cheese, lettuce and tomato. Will let you know how it tastes!
Charlie woke up at 3:15 this morning. So after a few hours of him tormenting me, I dressed Charlie for school an hour early and took him on a walk in a stroller in the hopes that he would catch a nap. He insisted he bring his Elmo book and then probably fall asleep holding it. “I love my Elmo book! But I love my sleep more!”
Very rarely, we leave the house for a family dinner. Tonight we went to Brooklyn Fish Camp. Charlie inspecting his crayon masterpiece Lemon!!! Contemplating his meal.
I pick up Charlie by 6 pm every day! It is very stressful since I am usually commuting from Manhattan.
When I picked him up today, he was demonstrating his mastery of Mister Potatohead. The eyes really do look better in the ear holes!
I’m on a high fiber, low fat diet. It is tough, but I’m feeling much healthier. Here is lunch from a local deli. Tofu, mozzarella, broccoli, greens and a little chicken. I miss my old meals, but am getting healthy for my kids.
What’s for lunch for you today?
Out office is in the Garment District, just south of Times Square. We’ve been here for over a decade! When I first entered this building, I was a young man.
I grab a skim latte when I can… this is my favorite local cafe. It’s across the street from the New York Times building.
I love this sub-reddit on First World Problems… where people (purposefully) complain about problems that aren’t really problems — at least, relative to problems in the developing world.
A few of the best ones:
A good reminder that most of our problems are high class problems!