April 11, 2007
Dr. Xanga
Wow, I am amazed by all your comments about my defective eye!
I spent a lot of time on Google diagnosing my bloodshot eye… but Xanga gave way better results. Granted it took an extra day or so for all the comments to filter in… but the personal experiences you guys shared were infinitely more useful than the medical pages that Google turned up. Apparently a lot of you have previously:
- scratched your cornea or sclera,
- gotten stye,
- burst a blood vessel in your eye, or
- gotten an allergic reaction localized to your eye
After reading about your collective experiences, I have decided that I burst a blood vessel in my eye due to stress. But don’t worry, my eye is getting a lot better; there’s nothing you can do, it just takes time to heal. In the meantime, I am also having an eye doctor take a look at my eye, just in case.
Long story short: you can look forward to hearing all about my future medical maladies, so you can diagnose my various diseases for me. Hopefully there aren’t too many of them. Anyway seriously, I love asking Xanga for advice… it’s like, why should I make a decision when I can ask Xanga to make it for me?
Comments (37)
haha!! that is soo true!
yeah I would have a doc look at it, I mean if it’s an infection it will spread to the opther eye and double eww.
If it’s what you think, wow I hope I never get so stressed I burst my blood vessles.
sorry excuse typos
LOL, we are always willing to share in your pain. We would offer advice even if you didn’t ask (guess that is why we love Xanga)
i have a friend who from time to time has to throw up to feel better. the days she does that both her eyes look bloodshot. lots of burst bloodvessels. hope yours feels better. i’ve never had anything weird with my eyes except a fluttering from time to time.
oh crap, I forgot about corneal abrasion! That happened to me when I used to wear contacts.
“why should I make a decision when I can ask Xanga to make it for me?”
hahahaha that’s just awesome
So first you’re having chest pains and now you’re bursting blood vessels in your eye from stress? Have you had your heart and blood pressure checked lately?!
Glad to hear your eye is getting better. Xanga is a pretty neat community!
You’re lucky you’re so popular.
i feel the same way. i can’t make a decision without asking xanga! i actually have to force myself not to ask for advice ALL the time. i remember when pulse first went live, my very first thought was, “oh how awesome, if i’m like at a store and i can’t decide between two color shoes i can pulse my entry and ask Xanga!”
just ask! we love you man!
So we can all send you a bill then?
maybe u were straining too hard on the toilet.
A little fiber will fix that up.
well, I graduate from med school in a month so that means that in a month, I really CANNOT give medical advice, due to liability (it’s just not a guy giving advice anymore, it’s an M.D). I’d say, if your going to have medical issues, have it QUICK so I can help.
just be glad you don’t have CRVO like me. and my dr. told me to “google it” when he diagnosed me. there’s no cure @ the moment; doctors only guess at what might be the cause. but always see a doctor rather than plain old advice from people you don’t know, IMHO.
This reminds me that I should ask xanga to vote for which post I would submit to my friend’s publication sometime.
People love voting, after all.
Unless it actually matters.
Good to hear of eye improvements and just how much help there is in Xanga. I never doubted the helps possibilities for a minute.
I am glad that it is better.Xanga is a great community!!
Hope ya feel better! Stress can be killer sometimes.
Glad xangans are so kind hearted.
I’m glad you are feeling better (and that you are having a professional look at your eye).

Yeah – we’re quick with the advice! It is often conflicting advice and we contradict each other, but we all have plenty of opinions!
Come on… you know better than that.
Dr. Xanga says to take two aspirins and to call him in the morning!
Next thing to do is to find out ways to reduce your stress, like exercise and classical music perhaps?
Caveat: if you have a wife and use this technique for making decisions with her, you are on your own, LOL!

what a great idea
hope you feel better!
glad eye better – I had some infection before; I had a hard time keeping that eye open. It was really painful. I just took allergy meds & lots of visine. (I think I saw a doc too, but also my dad is a doctor so sometimes I ‘cheat’ by calling or seeing him instead.LOL)
you’re on your way to becoming a hypochondriac! yay to mob intelligence.
Greetings from the sticks,
We are all glad we could all be here for ya. Whether we have an MD behind our names or not! I’ll be watching for your next adventure of ailments.
Seriously though I hope everything works out for ya.
My first guess was right. I’m so SMRT, I mean SMART
i remember a while ago you had asked for people to nominate someone who they thought to be deserving of a spot on the featured profile list.
i have someone. her writing is not quite like anything i have ever read before. it seems that each entry is uniquely beautiful and vivid and impossibly complex. i think this blog is well worth your time…
well you’re lucky it popped in your eye and not your brain. stress is bad!
I was stopping by to see if there was any official diagnosis. Glad your eye is getting better.